DISC training session
Pathways update
Things are changing, for the better
About a year or so ago I wrote this article on pathways into sprint in Victoria. Things are changing a little, Glenn Doney is the new VIS head coach and he's making some changes to how riders are recruited into the VIS sprint program. It's now reaching down a little lower in age groups than it has in the past, watch for some interesting announcements soon from the VIS on how that's working.
The pathway is now :
Some of you may remember the sprint academy, it was a layer between the state institutes, eg VIS, NSWIS, SASI, WAIS etc and the AIS program, designed to fill a void. It looks like the SIS/SAS layer is being broadened a little and mostly absorbing the role that the academy filled for a year.
So, how is this relevant?
We're working on setting up a layer below the VIS to develop sprinters, to feed riders into the VIS program. A little like the old NTID program was, a layer where identified promising juniors are pulled into a sprint squad that will train seperatly from the VIS squad. The VIS squad is now quite large, and coached exclusively by Hilton Clarke, with my assistance doing motorbike work and power meter stuff etc. I'm not directly coaching anyone in that VIS sprint group. I think we're going to call the new developent squad the Victorian Sprint Developent Squad, or VSDS.
So the pathway will end up, as soon as we can get it all sorted :
Club -> VSDS -> VIS sprint -> AIS Sprint
There's a lot of work to do to get it running and we need buy-in from a number of groups, so the politics will be a challenge, but I'm confident that we can have it going soon and it will be a leading structure, that the rest of the country may duplicate in time.
A great quote
It's not over for us, it is just going to be different
Yep, things are changing in the Vic sprint scene, quite dramatically. Hopefully very soon we'll be able to quash the rumours, put out the fires and show you all a new structure, with progression and direction and it will be a big win.
A break?
I need one!
I just got back from the Junior Aussies on Saturday, after driving the CV Van that Rocked home. Another big week at titles, I need a rest or a holiday or something. At the titles the Vic boys broke (twice!) the previous JM17 team sprint Australian record, Conor, Ryan and Tom blew it to bits in qualifying, then beat their record again in the final. All their changes were spot on - no DQ's. Conor also managed to break the Aust record for the 500m ITT but only held the record for about 6 minutes, as Ryan Schilt and Cam Scott broke it again in the last heat. Exciting times indeed. Brit Jackson managed a couple of solid bronze medals in the Sprint and the TT, and missed out, with Alana Field, on the bronze in the JW17 by 4 thousandths of a second. Everything matters in this game.
The team performed above expectations and other records that went included the JM17 team pursuit and the JW17 500 and F200, both broken by a very talented Tahlay Christie from Perth. Tahlay had a superb titles, winning the sprint, TT and keirin and setting two Australian records along the way. Tahlay's a great kid and a gracious, well mannered athlete. Clay Worthington from WA is coaching her and they're a teriffic team.
For us, Aust masters champs are coming up and I am going to fiddle around with my new Garmin VIRB Elite and use it for some F200 pacing analysis over the next couple of weeks. Sometime, I'll get a rest ...
A week in the life of
What I've been up to lately
I've been pretty busy of late... Last weekend (no, sorry, the weekend before, June 23 and 24) I was looking after a bunch of VIS/Sprint Academy sprinters* at the Perth Speed-Dome on a flying visit to race a Grand Prix and the Westral, we flew in to Perth on Saturday morning, drove to the velodrome, trained, back to a motel, dinner, sleep, back to velodrome for a full day's racing, packed and drove back to the airport and flew home. Phew! I was so tired when I got back to Tullamarine I couldn't see straight, thank you Jayne for rescuing me! If I'd have tried to drive home it would have been a dangerous trip indeed.
We've also, in conjunction with Blackburn, started running Friday night training sessions at DISC. So far they've had low attendances, but hopefully word will spread and we'll get more numbers - we run a sprint and enduro session, with each group getting roughly 20 minute time slices. It's a format that works well and I've been using it for years with our Sunday sessions, but the Friday nights we have the luxury of three hours, not two on Sundays. More time! Sundays are chugging along well, it's been pretty cold in at DISC but we're doing good quality work and the guys are going faster (when they attend regularly!). Our program is always published in advance on this website, and I am more than willing to entertain requests and suggestions for additions and alterations to the program.
Also the Tuesday evening Spin sessions at Blackburn are trundling along - we've had some huge nights and some quiet ones - if you're not coming, I'd really like to know why, it will help me to improve the sessions if I know why you're choosing to do something else.
So that's Friday and Sunday and Tuesday evenings locked away. What else? Wednesdays I'm at DISC doing the Victorian Sprint Group coaching, assisting Hilton Clarke, and he's away in the US for a holiday until the 16th of July, so that's Wednesdays from ~11am 'til 7:30pm or so. This also happens on Saturdays, from ~11:30 'til 5ish. Lock away Tues, Wed, Fri, Sat and Sun. Anything else? Oh, yeah, coaching and lifting in the Powerhaus gym on Mondays and Thursdays from ~3pm 'til 8 or so.
That's, ahh ... pretty busy!
So if I've been a bit slow in getting back to anyone with emails etc, now you know why! I have to set dates for next summer's Summer Sprint Series, urgh ... Calendars ... Clash. clash clash ... Keep an eye here for dates.
* - No, I am not employed by the VIS, I was sitting in as a Sprint Academy coach for Sean Eadie while he's in Italy with the seniors in the leadup to the Olympics
Something new!
Friday nights at DISC
With the co-operation of Blackburn, we're going to be at DISC on Friday nights as well as Sundays for a couple of months. This is a three hour track session, from 7-10pm. Mixed sprint & enduro, programs, as with all our training, published online in advance on this website. It will either be $15 or $22 to attend and I am hoping to have an enduro coach to assist me, while I look after the sprinters. So if you're an aspiring enduro coach and want some mentored time at DISC, or just some time at DISC, get in touch with me ASAP!
DISC is back!
We've been busy ...
DISC will reopen this weekend (maybe Thursday night for Northcote racing?) - some trivia :
While it was closed we (me and some volunteer helpers) sanded the red line almost entirely off, and then the lines (black and red) were repainted with a matt acrylic paint, not the slippery gloss that it was. The duckboards are still slippery as is the blue line, but the red and black are a lot better.
We've sanded and filled a lot of divots, Hilton and I did the filling, myself, with Jayne and Nic did the sanding and a lot of vacuuming.
We've been busy!
(it still leaks ... but in different places ...)
Our DISC Sunday sessions start again this Sunday. w00 h00!
Spin, Summer Sprint Series etc
A quick and dirty update on where we are
Firstly, I've revised my coaching structure a little, and am waiting for Nathan to see if he wants to change his stuff, the revised structure is here. This is to better reflect my specialisation in sprint and my experience. I will still be running the Tuesday ergo sessions which are both sprint and endurance sessions, as those of you who go already know - that's just had a pricing change and is otherwise mostly unchanged. I'm not coaching endurance riders so it makes sense that I make that clear.
We had to cancel the last round of the SSS for 2011-2012. This is mainly due to clashes with so many different events and training sessions that I just couldn't see a path through, and burnout on the part of many of the guys in the squad, not just racers but also the vitally important volunteers who run it. We're fried and need a break.
Now the good news!
DISC is closed from mid April 'til the end of May to have the leaky roof fixed. Good-o! But .. yes that takes away our Sunday DISC sessions for a bit. I'm considering (read: will, somehow!) running a Sunday sprint-Ergo session during that time, maybe at Blackburn, maybe at the powerHaus, maybe at home (if Jayne agrees!). Better than nothing. We'll charge a tenner to come and suffer, BYO chunder bucket and road bike as usual. It won't be an enduro session, just sprint. If Nath wants to put together some enduro stuff we can certainly accomodate that but I will leave it to him to decide. The track time loss is more critical to sprinters than enduros during the off season, but if Nath wants to make it happen I'm happy to help.
In capable hands ...
I'm going to be away for three weekends in a row, and one full week
aboc's sessions, however, will be in capable hands. Nathan's looking after our DISC sessions this Sunday and the Sundays of the 24th and 31st of July, and Spin on Tuesday the 26th will be taken care of too (but the details are yet to be arranged).
It's good to have some variety, those of you that go to these sessions will be well looked after!
is 440
Laps of DISC yesterday, on the CBF250 ... Motorpacing doing 250m MAC's. Can anyone say "bloody cold"?!
up up up!
A good night's training
Tonight at DISC Nathan did some good motorpace work for us. I got my second fastest speed ever, a paltry 63km/h, but for an old guy with no talent, that's ok!. Pmax wasn't a PB, at 1351w, but my P5 was the best I've done this year, which I'm pleased with. I did some reasonably heavy squats yesterday and my deadlifts on Thursday were PB's, things are coming together ... We also had a really good turnout at DISC after last week's 4, we had I think 11 or so riders, thank you to all of you who came and to Nathan in particular.
Low attendances at DISC on Sunday evenings
What are we doing wrong?
To run my Sunday evening DISC sessions over winter, I need to cover the costs of hiring the track (currently $55/hr) and the lights ($20/hr) and the motorbike if we use it (~$0.50c/km). Over the last few weeks we've had pretty low turn ups for these sessions. To break even, at $20/head, I need 8 people to show up. That's no profit to aboc, that's just to break even. The ergo/spin sessions we run on Tuesday subsidises Sunday DISC, but it can't afford to do that forever, or for more than a few tens of dollars (spin is cheap, too, $10 includes dinner!).
We sometimes get 10 or so people, which pays for the session and my dinner (CHICKEN!), and that's good - it also means we get a decent group of riders to match up with sprint work, and some enduros to do endurance work while the sprinters recover.
So .. Why are less of you coming? What am I doing wrong? I need your input on this, if you're not coming, please tell me why.
A busy month, July
I'll be all over the place!
July 2011, it's going to be busy. I'm going to Adelaide with the NTID and VIS kids on the 22nd for a sprint race meeting for J17's and J19's and then staying on for a week to assist/learn/get in the way with the pre Junior Worlds camp. The camp is three weeks long and takes the kids going to Moscow from the race meeting on the 23rd and 24th through 'til their departure to Moscow. I've been given the opportunity to stay with them for the first week and assist Sean Eadie. Along the way hopefully I'll get a lot of learning done. I'm looking forward to it, but I will be away from home for a week and will miss a couple of our winter DISC sessions.
In actual fact, I'm probably going to miss almost all the DISC sessions through July, on the 16th and 17th I'm (assuming it goes ahead) doing a whitewater rescue course. So I will probably miss that weekend also, and this coming Sunday I can't make it either. I've written a program that the guys can do without needing much guidance. Nathan's going to run this Sunday, I'll work something out for the others that I can't make. Ergo anyone?! Nah ... I didn't think so! Anyway, it's going to be hectic, this July.
I do have heaps of reading to do. I believe that any good coach needs to read widely and understand a lot of "stuff", so one of my current reads is a textbook on exercise physiology. Things are going well in the 'Haus, I lifted an equal PB deadlift yesterday (and can feel it today .. stairs .. urgh!), power's been down a bit on the bike for the last couple of sessions, but I think that'll come good soon. the other sprint squad people and assorted ring ins are all lifting well and their numbers are getting better on the track too. It's all good!
Oh, and we now have aboc Sprint Squad ploarfleece beanies. Perfect to keep your bonce warm at DISC or spin this winter. All the cool kids have one ..
$20 and you can have one too!
Keeping warm
Riding around in circles gets pretty cold
It's proving to be a cold winter, and riding around in circles on the motorbike at DISC is .. pretty chilly. It's been around 10 degrees or so in there for the last couple of sessions, and after a few laps, one starts to shiver somewhat!
So, how do we keep warm? I have a few layers on, but one nifty thing I got recently is a kayaking neoprene skullcap. Yep, a rubber hat (insert gimp joke here now). One of these, nifty!
Seriously fast
DISC, motorbike ...
I've been working on going faster (oh, really?) - not just on the pushbike, which my untalented body will resist as much as it can, but also on the motorbike. At DISC, to motorpace the really fast guys, I have to be able to ride the bank at around 80km/h. That's bloody quick. It takes a lot of 'turn off your fear' to do it. Anyway ... Under Hilton's tutilage I'm slowly becoming a reasonable motorpace rider - far from perfect (Hilts is THE master of this art ...) but I have a few thousand kilometers logged riding around that track now and am getting to be ok at it. I can even ride the bank at 70km/h looking backwards now. That's taken some time to get comfortable doing. I don't like doing it in the lane or close to the rail yet, but above the lane I'm fine with it now.
But .. to go really fast ..
The motorbike is speed limited by basic physics. Gravity, friction and centripetal force. Centripetal force increases to the square of velocity - ie: increases in speed means much more friction to stop the bike slipping up the bank, the faster you go, the more it tries to fly up and over the fence. The banks at DISC are 42 degrees steep, slower than around 30km/h and the motorbike slips down, faster than around 90 (I guess) it will slip up (I haven't tested this yet). Unless the tyres hit the painted lines, in which case there's a lot less friction and it slips, which is quite un-nerving but so far, hasn't resulted in a crash. You get used to it when crossing the lines at speed. It's just a little wobble ... And after the first few times and realising it doesn't mean a crash, it's ok!
So .. to go really fast ..
The speedo reads fast, 80km/h indicated is really about 75km/h. Riding the motorbike down in the sprinters lane at indicated 80 is a bit spooky, it's a reasonably tight radius and feels "iffy", but is doable, even in winter, once I've warmed up the tyres. I used to be a bit scared at 60km/h .. heh .. 60? That's creeping! It's a lot easier to go that fast just below the blue line, so that's what I was trying yesterday between efforts with the NTID/VIS guys. I saw close to 90km/h on the speedo (estimated that's around 85km/h actual) when I felt the left hand footpeg touch the boards. Ok, that's as quick as we're going! To go any quicker than than I'll have to hang off the side of the bike. Erm ...
So .. I went pretty quick ..
And that's today's blog entry. Sometimes I reckon I have the best job in the world, riding a motorbike in circles at an indoor velodrome at stupidly quick speeds is ace fun.
Video from last night's DISC session
What we did ...
I'm focussing a lot of us older guys who train in the Sprint Squad on legspeed and power at higher cadences, one way to do this is to do a motorpaced drill called a "windout", where, on a small (or at least, not a big gear) gear we follow the motorbike through a flying 200 windup, then a flying 200 entry line, chase the bike for a set number of laps while it speeds up at every corner. This doesn't use up our power getting to speed so it saves us for high cadence high power work, where we rarely get to train without the aid of a motorcycle (or, on the road, down hills). Last night our main drill was a 500m windout with the motorbike pulling off at 100m to go, the rider then has to try and accelerate (or, at least hold speed) for the last 100 meters.
That's what it looks like from the back of the motorbike ...
Here's my power meter data for one of my efforts from this session (I did 4 of them, all on 90"). As you can see, I am not very fast or powerful (and am even worse than I was last summer, but I have some mittigating circumstances! Injury has taken quite a toll this year so far, but I am on the mend!). Compare this to the week before, where we just did windouts without the motorbike pulling off at 100 to go (ie: chasing all the way in the draft). The power at the last 10 seconds is the interesting part. Here's the charts :
![]() ![]() | 500m windout with rider unassisted for the last 100m |
![]() | 500m windout with draft to finish |
And here's the last month or so's overall power figures (it's a funny slice of a graph!)
It's a long way down from my best (~1550 watts peak), but it is going up, and that's encouraging. This is all post my back injury that dropped my peak power down to the sort of numbers an enduro would sneer at! (800 watts! You must be joking!) ... As long as it keeps going up, as are my lifts in the gym, slowly but consistantly, I'm happy. I have abot 5 months to get some speed before the next Summer Sprint Series. Keep on trucking.
Racing tonight!
Not quite what I had in mind, but they are sprints ...
aboc, ie: me, is sponsoring this; Blackburn's running five sprint nights at DISC over "winter". The rough program is this :
Flying 200 for grading.
1.5 lap dashes (4 riders at a time I think)
Team sprints (graded by your f200, not able to nominate your own team - this is still being 'discussed', I am not happy about not being able to nominate my own team or starting order). These at least will be no longer than 3 laps (they originally wanted 4 laps, huh? What 'team sprint' has 4 laps? And then expects the poor bugger that rode 4th to race again in 15 minutes?!)
1k handicap, held start, no push (The kilo is dead, no-one trains for it anymore ... why is this in the program? To embarras sprinters?)
Scratch races for the leftovers
If there's enough time, keirins to finish.
I will only be racing the F200, team sprint (assuming an acceptable team and I'm lead rider) and the keirin, assuming the program doesn't have to be cut short because there's too much going on. The other stuff is just silly and I'm not doing it.
Those of you who were at the last round of the SSS will know that the above is not what I planned, but since I'm not running this, it is what it is and it's better than a night of scratch, points, h'cap and/or motorpaces. It's a start. If it's a bit successful, we can lobby to make it different for later rounds or next year etc.
So that's tonight's festivities at DISC.
I've been pretty busy with the NTID squad and helping Hilton for the last few weeks, as well as coaching in the 'Haus a lot, running Spin, Sunday DISC sessions, and that's my excuse for not writing much here in May. I have loads ot writing to do for The Book too ... lots of gaps to fill!
Big fish, little pond. Little fish, big pond
Or, some days you're the hammer, other days, the nail.
Saturday, Blackburn club championships sprint day. It's blowing a healthy nor-westerly (fast if you know how to use it). 500m ITT first, I use 90". Held starts (we HAVE GATES FFS! USE THE DAMN THINGS!). I ride a 40.03 (hand timed) which I think is a PB. It's fast enough to win MMAS3 and would have gotten me a bronze in JM17(!). Good-o, one in the bag, big fish in a little pond, the other guys I'm racing against are enduros. The Wizard rides 38.something to win MMAS2. Dino wins the 750 at DISC at the Vic Masters on the same day (clashes with BBN's club champs). This will be the last bit of really good news for Dino, who is clearly the fastest MMAS4 in the state of Victoria (big fish, big pond). Emily has no competition, not a single JW17 has shown up to race with her. She rides a pretty good 500 in the circumstances. I'm pleased both for her (win, you can only beat the people that show up to race) and also proud of her. I believe strongly that elite riders should make the effort to race club races when possible, especially things like club championships. It shows the younger kids where they can go and they're part of something and it keeps the elites grounded. Likewise I'm proud of Emerson Harwood (NTID) who also raced.
Next up, flying 200's. It's still blowing a gale, I keep the 90" on. I ride a 13.20, another PB (by 0.1s). That'll do, I'm 0.4s faster than the second qualifier, Richard Stringer, in MMAS3. Emerson breaks Andrew Steel's long-standing track record, with no aero fruit. He rides 11.8 seconds. At Blackburn, that's very fast. Emily rides a much better time than she rode last week at round 4 of the SSS. James Dann rides another PB and qualifies third in JM17.
Race time, I get to watch as Alan Dorin and Ben Schofiled fight it out for the chance to race me (4v5). Alan wins that, has a rest and then I race him. I've raced Alan many times over the years, almost always in endurance races and he has almost always been able to beat me. Not today. Sprint is my game and he goes later than I expected him to, gets a small gap which I use as a lay off and I zip past him to take an easy win. Easier than I thought it would be, the standard mode of attack is for these guys to go early and keep jumping (how to beat a sprinter in one easy lesson). Maybe he wasn't 100% fit? I don't know. I'm though to the final. Richard Stringer races Rob Monteath for the other chance to race for first, Richard wins it. So I'm up against Richard in a best of three for the gold.
The first one, I have the lead (I think!), Richard takes it at a jump, gets a small gap but I catch and pass him. One down, that wasn't too bad. He can accelerate and handle the bike well, but doesn't have the top speed to pass me. Good to know ...
Round two and he's got the lead, and jams me right up hard into the fence at 2.5 to go. Jammed so hard I had to grab the fence to avoid falling over! As I grab the rail he jumps and is gone. I chase (it's now a 700m ITT!), wind him back a little, while watching him swerving around a few times (huh?! he's 40m in front and almost in the grass?!) but the gap is just too big and I can't reel him in, I concede and it's 1:1. I'm not pleased about it, but this is club racing and I don't think he meant to jam me so hard into the railing. I'm not going to protest, I do mention it to Doug but he didn't see it, no-one did, it was at the far end of the track and obscured by how we were positioned. I don't think even Richard realised what he'd done.
Round three, this time I resolve to take this one from the front. I have speed on Richard, I don't think he'd be able to pass me at full gas. I have the lead, every time he moves I ramp it up a little, pulling him down off the bank and keeping him under control. No low speed, sudden jumps this time and no way I'm letting him in front to push me around this time. With a bit over a lap to go I accelerate, not 100%, but around 80% or so, not looking back any more, but I will kick up the back straight and again around the final bend, that's the plan anyway. I know he's hard on my wheel but I'll break his timing by changing pace. Up the final straight and I kick again with 40m to go and just wobble a fraction out of the sprinters lane for a brief moment, it's entirely accidental, I think (I didn't see it) it made Richard move off his passing line, I cross first and record a win. There's some discussion about it, I did leave the lane, if the judges think it affected the results I will not be upset and I tell Richard if he wants to protest I will not be upset with him about it (I didn't see if it made any difference but I did do it). He decides not to protest and the result stands.
Ok, club champion for MMAS3 in the TT and the sprint. My first ever. I am pleased!
Sunday, different story. Vic Masters. I'm now the little fish. Here be real sprinters. One guy in our division is a masters world champion and has come down from Sydney to teach us all a lesson. In my opinion, DFL trumps DNS every day. I'm going to put that to the test. My flying 200 is a PB again on 96", at DISC, I ride 12.8something. Beats my previous best by a whole 0.1s! Heh! Anyway, I'm pleased with that, but Gavin (the guy from NSW) rides 11.1 Uhuh .. and He's qualified 1st, I've qualified last (8th) - 1v8. Good-o. This will be ... entertaining ... I have the lead, tactically I do it all as well as could be expected, I keep watching him the whole time, using the bank and speed changes to control position, do the hook-and-drop at turn three with one to go, but Gavin just hits the accelerator and goes whoosh past me. He did everything right, was patient. I'm out 'til the keirin in the afternoon. Still, one better than last year when I didn't get a ride except for the flying 200.
Dino's on fire, he's qualifed fastest and is up against a bloke who's flying 200 suggested his experience at this track was marginal. Dino's lined him up to pass on the finishing straight when he (the guy Dino's racing, loses control and turns right, straight up into Dino with 40m to go. WTF?! Dino comes down hard and breaks his collarbone. I'd like to remind everyone reading of a rule, an important rule. These things happen but that should not have. Dino's put his heart and soul into training for this event and this was just horribly cruel. He gets bundled off in an ambulance with lots of strong drugs.
Chris Ray wins his sprints and wins Gold. Dino gets a silver by virtue of a disqualification. Not what he wanted and it's awful. Emily collects his medal for him later.
Keirins, I've drawn number 1, I get the motorbike. I'm on 96". Safely on the bike, I lead it out, with one to go the boys behind me kick and I don't have the legs to go with it, first three (of the four in our heat) go through to the final, and they all cruise over the line. Outgunned? uhuh ... anyway, DFL trumps DNS.
Mick Thomas wins the MMAS4 (or 5? Mick?) scratch race AND the keirin!
After some running around with Emily (Dino's not driving anywhere today!) and a solid state team training session in the evening it's time to go home. Phew. A big big weekend ...
MACC's again
A couple of solid days training
This weekend is the Blackburn club championships on Saturday (sprint and 500m time trial) and on Sunday it's the sprint and keirin Vic Masters championships. A busy couple of days. I'm MMAS3 this year (40-44) which is new for me. The standard is pretty high at the Vic masters, there's a few riders there who are orders of magnitude faster than I am. So beit. I'll do my best. in the lead up, I've had a good fortnight's training. As mentioned earlier I'm back in the gym able to squat and getting some good quality track sessions done both at Blackburn with Dino, Pat and Nic, and at DISC. Hilton did a set of four MACCs for me yesterday before the mani training session. I found a new top speed on my track bike. 66.1km/h. We have kids that go that fast, but still, for me, that's moving.
Here's the graph of that effort. They're great fun, MACCs. You don't break the wind but they really get you moving. Good stuff. The video from a couple of these efforts is below. Seriously good fun!
So the last couple of days, trained on Saturday, raced SSS round 4 on Sunday, lifted in the gym on Monday, MACC's and rider pass efforts on Tuesday at Blackburn, MACC's at DISC on Wednesday, today (evening) we're in the gym again and Friday will be a rest day. Then the fun begins. Good-o.
I'm back (ish)
Not displeased with how I went at SSS r4
It could have been better, I might have been able to train consistantly, but that's life and we all have reasons/excuses for why we perform how we do on race day. I'm lighter (~100kg vs 113kg) than I was at this time last year which has helped my jump. My jump still sucks, but it sucks less than it used to. Now I'm only having to bridge up 10m, not 40m and that's a significant improvement. I'm back in the gym as of last week doing consistent lifting after a layoff of some 10 months so I'll get strong again. The week in the pressure-cooker at Dunc Grey didn't help my preparation, excuse, excuse, excuse ... !
ENOUGH! Get on with the damn racing!
Ok ..
I warmed up on 50x17, light easy gear. Did a couple of revouts, one chasing Neil, just to get things moving. On Saturday I'd done some short efforts at Daryl Perkins' session at DISC just before our NTID session and I felt ok. Hitting around 1400 watts peak doing jumps. Ok, that's not too bad for an old guy who's missed a lot of ENOUGH WITH THE EXCUSES! .. it was a good session yesterday!
Flying 200 time. I rode a 13.5, not that far off my PB (around 0.2 I think, slower than it) - I didn't use the disk wheel, I kept the powertap wheel on all day, so here's the evidence for the flying 200. Conditions weren't ideal, a southerly and pretty cold. I'm pleased with that time. I still want to get down into the 12's but I think that will have to wait 'til next season.
Draw done, and I'm to race James Dann, Ian McGinley and Aaron Christiansen in the rounds. I was the fastest qualifier in B grade (again!). 6 of us in the grade. Being fastest qualifier helps later, as you shall see ...
James is a junior invitational rider, I coach him and he's got a kick. But, he's restricted to 82 gear inches. I'm on 90". How do you take the jump out of the picture? Keep the speed up and burn him off. That's the theory, at least. I lead out, jumped coming out of turn 4 (should have gone at the entry to turn 3 ...) just before the bell, James kicks and is in front of me. Right ... chase chase chase, on the wheel, coming past but left it too late. James bags his coach. I'll fix him later! Our last 200 was done in 13.4 seconds and he was in the front all the time, James was really moving. Watch for him next summer.
Second race and I'm up against Ian. He's mainly an enduro but can sprint a bit. A decent all-rounder. He jumps me, I chase, I go to pass on the back straight but he uses a second kick and stays clear. Doh! Ian's a good racer and his flying 200 doesn't reflect his ability.
Third heat and I'm racing Aaron. Aaron's done very few match sprints but he's a very fit rider and has ridden faster flying 200's than I have at DISC. I can't take him for granted, that's for sure. Again I get gapped at the jump but this time I find a bit more speed and manage to catch Aaron just in time to bag a win. That hurt. Lots. I'll pay for it if I make the finals.
At the end of the rounds there's a few of us tied on 9 points. As the fastest qualifier I get the forth spot, racing against Nicholas Cockerell (another newbie). Three laps. I'll have the lead thanks, and I hold him tight up against the fence for a lap and a half, I don't want a long race, but I need the speed high to reduce the impact of his jump. He gets around me, I get up to his wheel but not enough and he wins, I get 4th overall (again!). Interesting fact, I've never been on the podium at an SSS round. As the guy who runs it I think that's probably appropriate, but I'll get on the damn thing one day and shake my own hand!
Video to come ...
Thankyou to :
Lucie Akers (photography)
Jodie Dundas (videography)
Krissy Dundas (general help)
Anne Apolito (race entry and results)
John 'Star Trek' Lewis for race timing
Sue Dundas (commissaire)
Chris Dann (commentary)
Alex Vaughan (sausages!)